Looking for a longer term partner for no strings attached sex. Sorry, NO Single Men at this time!

Athletic build, certainly a woman who has looked after herself and takes a pride in her appearance. I'm an easy-going married girl that wants to have some fun. Not looking to change your life or mine.

I don't 40s threesomes MFM use drugs & you shouldn't either. If you are a couple, then I would not be interested in you does not mean I'm fake!!! I'm bi sexual, looking for a girl friend or couple to play with feel free to flirt or message us and hopefully we can get to know eachother better. I like to have fun in the sun or snow indoor activities are awsome to. Amateur big cocked. Let's chat looking fit company in a jacuzzi Friday night. If you're up to it, I'd love to hear from you.
Nothing inspires passion in me 40s threesomes MFM more than an attractive, voluptuous and mature lady who enjoys sex as much as I csn.

Looking for some daytime and early evening fun. There should be allot to you, not shallow. I'm looking for QUALITY not QUANTITY. Update: My profile got flagged for being "too shot" lol makes no sense.

I require a public meeting to determine if we have mutual interests and chemistry.
Yes we are a couple that like to meet others for interaction with us as a couple. I am happily married and have been for more than a couple years.
If you don't know what an SSBBW is, move on. I'm looking for someone who is intelligent, easy to talk to, and knows how to enjoy the ride. I'd also be very interested in a butch type gay female individual to allow me to be the woman while you be my man. A little about me...down to earth, friendly male who likes a good laugh. I'll be a good girl.
As long as we hit it off and things develop along those lines not opposed to it either. Would like a verbal dominant masculine top man to be forceful and his big one making me to take it all down my throat.
Just another face in an ocean of dickpics. Pretty down to earth and open-minded.

I'm DDF and plan to stay that way. Self aware and believes 40s threesomes MFM in truth at all times regardless of the situation.